As a service to our readers, ARK & TENT is happy to present a compilation of companies or organizations that offer animal-related Voluntourism opportunities. Each listing provides contact information so you can get out (and get involved!) in any of a number of truly unique and rewarding travel experiences.
Check back often as we'll be adding new opportunities.
******************************************************************* Volunteer Match provides a list of a variety of short-term projects at www.volunteermatch.org
Biosphere Expeditions is an official partner of the United Nations 2010 International Year of Biotourism (IYB). You can experience conservation in action by participating in one of their volunteer-work holidays in locations across the globe. Two examples are a one-week beach combing opportunity in Western Australia to help monitor flatback turtles, or a two-week expedition to the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil to study jaguars and pumas in the wild. www.biosphere-expeditions.org
Relief Riders International hosts 15-day horseback excursions through the Thar desert region in Rajasthan, India. Each caravan of riders brings aide in the form of livestock, school supplies, and medical and dental assistance to impoverished villagers. Detailed information can be found by visiting: www.reliefridersinternational.com
Hands-On hosts a website at: www.handsonnetwork.org that lists a variety of worthy projects in the U.S. that need volunteers. The site also features a search-function based on location and interests.
The Heathman Hotel in Portland, Oregon (www.heathmanportland.com) welcomes guests interested in teaming up with Forest Park Conservancy to held maintain and nature hikes.
Travelocity doesn’t just sell travel products, it also sponsors a program called Travel for Good. Information can be found at www.travelocity.com/travelforgood
If you’ve always wanted to help save the world’s rain forests, why not begin your quest by working with Earthwatch (www.earthwatch.org) on one of their planned volunteer opportunities.
Oceanic Society Expeditions matches volunteers with research scientists in need of help gathering vital data for their fieldwork. Find out more about their needs at: www.oceanicsociety.org
The San Diego Tracking Team (www.sdtt.org) allows volunteers to work with trained staff to help track native animal species in the San Diego environs. Wildlife surveys are held quarterly and the data is used to track animal movement and monitor key wildlife species such as bobcat, coyote, mule deer, bighorn sheep, kit fox, roadrunner and opossum.