Article Archive for Ark and Tent Travel Magazine


GHOST TOWN, AZ - Braying for Time: the Wild Burros of Oatman, Arizona

GOING BATTY IN TEXAS - The Lone Star State has Another Reason to Shine: Its Abundant Bat Population

SWAMP THINGS - A Visit to Central Florida's Circle B Bar Reserve

BUTTERFLY ALLEY - Discovering More about the Magnificent Monarch Migration

LOS CORONADOS - The Coronado Islands Play Host to a Variety of Sea Life

SEA-ING SAN DIEGO - "America's Finest City" Has a Multitude of Marine Life to Share with Locals and Visitors Alike

HORSE WHISPERS - Shhh...These Unique Horseback Rides are Still Relatively Unknown

POLO PONIES - Although Playing the Game Might Be Deemed a "Rich Man's Sport," Enjoying a Day at the Polo Grounds is Accessible to All

SPANISH DANCERS - Andalusian Warhorses are Transformed into Beings of Grace & Beauty in Southern Spain

DOLPHIN DELIGHT - Swimming in the Open Ocean with New Zealand's Hector's Dolphins

TOBAGO'S RICHES - Stepping Back in Time on a Caribbean Island Paradise

WHALE SHARKS! - Get Friendly with One of the Largest Filter-Feeders in the World

KENYA'S OSERIAN - A "Place of Peace" in Africa

LLAMA TREKKING - In New Mexico's Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Good Things Come in Large Packages

SANIBEL ISLAND - Where the Sunshine State's Natural Side is Found

ORCAS & EAGLES - From Underwater Wonders to Flights of Fancy on British Columbia's Vancouver Island

MUSH PUPPIES - Take to the Snow with a Team of Husky Companions

SIENA'S PALIO - An Insider's Guide on How to Survive a 90-Second Horse Race Amidst 60,000 Crazed Italian's...with no Bathroom Breaks

VIEW FROM A CAR - Drive-through Animal Parks Let Visitors Commune with Creatures Great and Small

RAYS OF LIGHT - Swimming with Manta Rays off Hawaii's Kona Coast

DIA DEL DELFIN- A Mother and Daughter Share a Dolphin Encounter in Ixtapa, Mexico


FASHION GOES TO THE DOGS - An Up-Close Look at SimplyShe: America's Leading Pet Clothing Supplier

DO COLLIES DREAM OF HERDING SHEEP? - Try Your Hand at Commanding Herd Dogs in the Lake District of England

A MATCH MADE ON HORSEBACK - Saddle Up for Some Romance on the Rural Roads of Ireland

GATORLAND, USA - An Adventureland in the Heart of Orlando Beckons Visitors to Get a Real "Bite" of Florida Fun

K9s & COCKTAILS - Hotel Indigo's Canine Cocktails Have Guests Celebrating "Yappy Hour" with Man's Best Friend

PEABODY DUCKS - Resident Ducks at The Peabody Hotel Have Been Charming Memphis Visitors for over 70 Years

YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND - The Fairmont Hotel's "Canine Ambassadors" Welcome Guests Across the Globe


RIP LITTLE BUDDY - After our Beloved Animal Companions Travel to the "Great Unknown" - Where Do They Go?

BOWSER BOOTCAMP - Doggie Fitness Programs Provide Tail-Waggin' Fun

PONY EXPRESS - Ever Wondered What Goes Into Transporting a Horse? Then Read On...

TRAVELING TO MEXICO WITH 'THE BARKERS'- Or: How to Make Friends in a Foreign Country & Keep your Dogs Safe & Happy

GO, DOG, GO! - And Take Me With You...Races for People and Their Pets

PET-FRIENDLY LA- Hollywood’s Gone to the Dogs! (Or Rather, They’re More than Welcome in Tinseltown)

FLYIN' WITH FIDO - How to Travel with the Greatest of Ease


WHERE IN THE WORLD...? - The National Museum of Wildlife Art Lies Nestled in the Hills of the Old West

GARRY McCLINTOCK - A Master Saddle Maker at Work

A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY - Wildlife Photographer Suzi Eszterhas Shares Some of Her Favorite Moments

CINEMAGICIAN - From "The Black Stallion" to "Fly Away Home," Director Carroll Ballard Works His Filmmaking Magic


BARBARA WHITMAN - Changing the Way We View the Seas that Surround Us (January's "Animal Hero")

DR. CHARLES MUNN - Protecting the Amazon Rainforest (February's "Animal Hero")

CAROL BUCKLEY & SCOTT BLAIS - Providing a Home in Tennessee for the World's Gentle Giants (March's "Animal Heroes")

RIC O'BARRY - Fixing Flipper: The Journey of a Dolphin Activist (April/May's "Animal Hero")

NEDA DeMAYO - One Woman's Commitment to Saving the Last Wild Horses in the U.S. (July's "Animal Hero")

AN ANONYMOUS ANIMAL HERO - The Mysterious Founder of the Nuneaton Warwickshire Animal Sanctuary (September/October's "Animal Hero")


HEIFER INTERNATIONAL - Giving the Gift of Animals (January's "Taking Care" Organization)

THE SNOW LEOPARD CONSERVANCY - Working to Save Endangered Cats Through Conservation and Management (February's "Taking Care" Organization)

CALIFORNIA WOLF CENTER - A Refuge in Julian, California for the Endangered Gray Wolf (March's "Taking Care" Organization)

MAASAI WILDERNESS CONSERVATION TRUST - Man and Beast Learn to Co-exist in the Shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro (April/May's "Taking Care" Organization)

RELIEF RIDERS INTERNATIONAL - Remote Indian Villages Benefit from Humanitarian Efforts Delivered via Horseback (July's "Taking Care" Organization)

- Celebrating 20 Years of Helping the Endangered African Cheetah (September's "Taking Care" Organization)

PRETOMA - A Struggle to Stop Shark Finning, One Campaign at a Time (October/November's "Taking Care" Organization)


ON THE BRINK - Animals in Danger of Extinction

BOOK & MOVIE REVIEWS - A Selection of Titles from our Contributors

In the end, we will only conserve what we love,
we will only love what we know,
we will only know what we are taught...
                                                                                              - Baba Dioum

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